3 Steps To Creating a Good Website - Modern Marketing & Media
It’s silly, but we’ve all done it. We’re so busy taking care of business that we forget to maintain or even create our business website. In this decade, very few company owners or managers say, “I have enough business. I don’t need a website.” There’s too much evidence that you need a current website and an ongoing plan for optimizing the internet. It’s the best way to develop customer relationships with your preferred market. If you’re serious about (even intimidated by) the challenge of creating an
Gas vs. electric furnace, do you know the difference?
Gas vs. electric furnace, do you know the difference? Check out our latest blog breaking down the pros and cons of each: https://www.countryairco.com/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-a-gas-and-electric-furnace
How to Tell if the Capacitor is Bad on Your AC Unit
Uh, oh - your AC went out. Here's how to identify if the pesky capacitor is to blame: read about it on our latest blog.
Fall HVAC Maintenance: Why Do It?
The cooler months are right around the corner which for most Texans is a sigh of relief. Although our heaters aren’t running all the time in the winter here, we do get some days where it is needed (cough, cough Snowmageddon 2021?) That brings us to the topic of the hour: what is a fall heater check for and why is it beneficial to you? Read about it on our latest blog.
Signs Your HVAC Ducts Need to Be Cleaned
Your air ducts are conduits that run throughout the attic space in your home. They deliver and remove air for both the AC and heating system. Getting your air ducts cleaned when needed will help improve indoor air quality and your overall health and wellness. Read our latest blog and look out for the signs that your air ducts need to be cleaned and get answers to the following questions plus more! Why do air ducts need to be cleaned?How often do air ducts need to be cleaned?What can I do to prolong the
Spring HVAC Maintenance: Why do it?
The hot summer months are right around the corner which means it’s time for spring safety and maintenance inspections on your HVAC equipment. So, what is a spring check for and why is it beneficial to you? READ OUR BLOG